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How To Harness Magnet Energy

Our guest writer, Liz Nelson, puts forth her views.

How to Harness Magnetic Energy

Magnetic energy is utilized on a regular basis. You see its effects in automobiles, computers, television speakers and more every day. Based on theories created by Nikola Tesla, moving a magnet continuously past tightly wound copper coils can create a form of power without the use of external propulsion aside from the initial start of the process. A variant of this is used within wind turbines and automobile alternators. This means that an engine can theoretically drive its own power source indefinitely after the initial spin takes place.

1. Magnet – Neodymium magnets are some of the most powerful magnets you can get on the open market. These magnets are used in a variety of goods including the flashlights that are powered by magnetic energy. These flashlights harness the power of the magnet passing by the copper coils with each motion of your arm while shaking them. The power is stored in a capacitor that releases the energy to the LED in order to power the flashlight. It is this generation of power that is the basis of creating free energy.

2. Copper Coils – The tighter the copper coils are wound, the better. As the magnet passes by these coils, the interaction in the field between the magnet and the metal cause a slight charge of electrical energy. The faster the magnet moves across these coils, the more power is produced.

3. Capacitors – Many small handheld devices will utilize capacitors in order to store a great amount of power for temporary use. These are common in the magnetic flashlights mentioned earlier. Although the capacitors will eventually exhaust themselves if sitting idle, they can still be used to store power for immediate use in varying degrees. Your situation may call of more or less power and capacitors can be installed in different storage units.

4. Batteries – Electric motors based on using magnetic energy have been charging batteries for roughly a century. Alternators will charge the battery within an automobile all the while supplying electricity that it needs to power lights, stereos, spark plugs, and more. With the right combination of an electric motor to magnetic generator, you could theoretically power the electric motor while sending excess energy to the battery.

5. Switching Poles – In the case of a magnetic flashlight, the electronic board inside the housing needs to switch polarities for the different magnetic fields. For instance, one motion will move the magnet starting with the North Pole to the South Pole across the copper lines. However, the motion from South Pole to North Pole creates a differential that needs to be accounted for. This “switch” changes the polarity of the electricity in order to be utilized properly by the capacitor. Otherwise, half of the power generation would be lost from the shaking motion of the flashlight.

Creating a self-sustaining magnetic generator could be more realistic than many may think. As long as the copper coils are transmitting more energy than the motor needs in order to power the device, the excess energy can be fed into the grid reducing the amount of power you need from the electric company. If this is such a viable solution to energy problems, why don’t more people explore the possibility of using neodymium to power our stations instead of those that produce radiation that is dangerous to all forms of life?

This is a guest post by Liz Nelson from White Fence Dot Com/. She is a freelance writer and blogger from Houston.
Questions and comments can be sent to: liznelson17 @