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The Obama Bin Laden Rag

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Unity Img Blog

In our quest for gravity control we have come up with the idea for a song.
Not a contest, merely an idea for a song.
It might be this:
Samui Traffic

All we have is the title,
The Obama Bin Laden Rag.
Kinda flows don’t you think?

It might be an instrumental, it might have lyrics, it might be somber, it might be fantastical. I favor lyrics.

Taught to cheat, taught to lie, all is good, by and by,
Taught to love, taught be true, all is good, by and by,
Taught to know, what’s the difference.
If yer good yer good
if yer not yer not
Not true. Coz people change
Forgive, as in all the debt in the world and start again
(not sure how to do that with musical integrity, the lyrics don’t jibe with normal brainwashing)
If I keep adding to these lyrics it soon will be an essay
Essay, Essay, Ok.

The Obama Bin Laden Rag
Send us your version
Or link you know

For those who cannot produce their own music, here’s a little track I coined on my Korg Karma synth that you might find useful as a guide.

A slight distortion