A unified field theory is the big cup-cake in physics, a theory of everything.
But how does gravity fit into the picture?
I have to laugh or at least smile at this one, as gravity is not part of the problem. Gravity is not itself a force of any kind whatsoever…in fact we could simply drop gravity altogether and nothing would change because gravity itself does nothing, absolutely nothing.
Gravity is a word we use to describe a dynamic effect occurring as a response to the underlying force of universe, non-linear time field frequency acceleration.
Electromagnetism is also an effect of this same force.
There is only one force of universe, while there are many effects. So what we have is a single cause and numerous effects.
A unified field theory is not at all complicated…in fact it is fairly simple and straight forward.
But there is a trick to developing a unified field theory as it must include the known laws of physics…..but if some of those laws are less than accurate a unified field theory might appear to be impossible.
Imagine if you will a world without multiple forces…but one single force.
A stand alone force of energy inherent to every system of universe…including both the very small and the very big.
An infinite number of unified fields remaining relative to the system of reference.
And to put both form and function to work we have a dynamic underlying force of energy which is continuously accelerating symmetrically to the center of each and every system of universe.
But where is the math?
The math is very simple in terms of a non-absolute dynamic framework…as there is an upper non-absolute limit and a lower non-absolute limit associated with each and every unified field system. Therefore all measurable proportions of time, space and motion are less than one and greater than zero in terms of a condition of universe remaining relative to the system of reference.
This allows us to evaluate a relative relationship for each and every system of universe remaining relative to the system of reference and in this respect there is a different relative relationship for each and every system of universe remaining relative to the system of reference and a different relative relationship for the system of reference remaining relative to each and every system of universe.
This gives us a multiverse where both past and future conditions remain relative to the system of reference.
A unified universe consisting of an infinite number of unified field systems existing simultaneously.
A unified field is just that, a unified field…supported by a single force of energy sustaining and perpetuating the form and function of all physical phenomena.
And in this respect the generally accepted idea of energy being proportional to mass can be viewed only in terms of a general rule as energy is not proportional to mass. In fact the smaller mass of a similar material will have a higher ratio of energy per unit of mass while the larger mass of the same material will have more energy but a lower ratio of energy per unit of mass.
And in terms of those elements denoted on the periodic table, hydrogen has the highest ratio of energy per unit of mass of any known element. The heavy elements therefore have much lower ratios of energy per unit of mass.
So a unified field theory must also define the relationship of energy to mass.
The simplicity of nature allows the universe and the components of universe to exist and function without failure.
Unified field systems existing within a unified universe…in other words fields within a field.